Based in Eisenstadt, commonly known as the city of Haydn, Die Schlosscapelle chamber orchestra was founded in 2003  by the conductor, violinist and composer Bernd Gradwohl and has played into the heart of the audience with "youthful swing and technical perfection."( ORF)


Its members are renowned chamber musicians and soloists from the lively Viennese scene, who not only congenially explore the masterpieces of viennese classicism, but also vigorously pull the strings of contemporary music.

Through years of passion and dedication, meeting the enthousiastic acclaim of audiences and critics, with the work of Mozart and Haydn in Schloss Esterhazy's Haydn Hall, the Schlosscapelle has set a standart of performance which puts into light, the blessing an thrilling effect of the give and take when also reached with orchestral chamber music.To freely quote Carlos Kleiber at the time of his encounter with Bernd Gradwohl, a very special kind of magic always arises when poeple listen to each other.


It is also the orchestra's firm belief, the past can only be presented with a look to the future.Thus beside the old master's work concert performances, and in direct cooperation with austrian and international  composers, more then 25 commissioned works have been premiered, several of which are documented in radio and CD recordings.